Friday, March 9, 2012

GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms

President Obama promised to pursue labeling for GMOs in a speech given in 2007.  To date this has not happened.  My prior post lists a link to GMO free products.  Today I noticed a no GMO label on Rumford's Baking Powder.

A helpful source is Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey M. Smith.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hello everyone,

My name is Richard Nelson.  My wife and I moved to Colorado  a year ago to what the locals call The Banana Belt, a joke at first to people from Miami, FL. In many ways we find it is.  We have no hurricanes or twisters and it is mild at our 5,000 feet altitude compared to much higher ground nearby.  The snow on the mountains is available as melt from May through October.  We are on a mesa where some early settlers found a way to divert water from the Uncompragre River to most of us.  We have an underground distribution sprinkler system to all of our half acre plot.

We put in a 10 KW solar collector which is covering all of our electric. 

The main reason for coming here was to be closer to family and also to avoid the Genetic Engineering (GE) and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) that were pervasive in our earlier location.  We bought many varieties of Heritage seeds and are planting them as soon as weather allows.  We try to avoid boxes and canned items in the store.  Can't do that all the time.

We were thrilled to find a list of verified goods at and hope you can use it for your needs.

Richard Nelson