Tuesday, July 24, 2012

You may have noticed solicitations for a list of essentials to have at home in case of emergencies..  Usually this costs about $30 to $40 for a list from the internet..

Over time we have put together the following:

We don't have an escape kit or tent but have come up with a list for things to have at home in case of storms, food, electrical and gas interuptions.

Kytadyn water filter from Switzerland, about $380. delivered.  It will product about a quart of good drinking water/minute.  If minimal debris, this unit good for about 13,000 gallon before you need a new filter.
Batteries  AA/AAA with recharger; C & Ds  with farthest out expiration date available
Bounty, toilet paper, Dawn, Windex, cleanser and Bon Ami
Salt, Celtic and fleur de sel (many trace elements & clean)
Beans, rice & wheat.  Einkorn for celiacs.  Walnuts, raisins, olives, sesame seeds, garlic.  Olive oil, coconut oil, & walnut oil
Tools appropriate for your property repairs, etc.
Generator + gas and gas stove.  SAE oils and SAE oils, non-detergent.
Dehydrator for seasonal fruits & veggies.  Operates at 105 degrees or less to keep the nutrients of the fresh.
Canned items, fish, meat, etc.
Tea, chamomile, green, hibiscus.  The hibiscus is good for lowering blood pressure because of potassium content.
Vitamin C bulk and tablets. Other supplements and pharma stuff to last for a period for which you are comfortable.

This is a list for our situation.  We grow our own herbs and veggies so we also have spent chicken manure and 45% phosphate.  We do not use herbicides or pesticides.  We grow nastursiums around our garden and let dill come up every where.  For aphids and other pests, we use USP diatamaceus earth and pyrethrum for flying pests.  We have a standup freezer with the freon going through the shelves for a quick freeze and a 19 cubic food freezer for longer storage.  We buy our meats locally, cut to our specifications using only those animals who are eating well and moving free range.

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